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    Sreoshi is an Artist, Illustrator and a practicing Environmental Graphic Designer.

    She began her career as an architect and subsequently moved on to illustration and graphic design. With a Masters in Illustration and Animation, her work is informed by a background in architecture and her forte as an illustrator & graphic artist which she combines to design environmental graphics and branding for corporate interior spaces. After working as an art director in diverse sectors, she took on the role of an EGD specialist in a multi-national design company.

    Sreoshi’s style uses bold, layered, colorful and whimsical elements, often influenced by issues she cares about like mental health, body positivity and feminism. She enjoys injecting as much emotion and narrative into her work and draws inspiration from her love of psychedelia, comics and manga, and surrealism.

    Get in touch

      Contact Info

      For commissions and collaborations

      Mobile: +91 9739901026

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